Stop thinking and Take Initiative

Now a day’s people are really very busy they do not have a time to think about themselves and also for others. They are amazingly happy with their stuff but at the same time they do not think about what they are going through in their life. People are everywhere either they are good or they are bad. People don’t want help but if we take initiative to help when they are middle of the task, they really feel happy and satisfy that yes there are people who are always present somewhere in the way. Life almost is taking every microsecond from us and we are not aware of what we are losing and from where we are getting. Things do not give us the happiness yes they can give but up to how much time, maybe 2years or 5 years but not our whole life. Its people around us who always think for the benefit of us, and that’s the time when realize the value of yours and the people around you. 
