Being With The One

Being with the one is not so easy nowadays. People are living a life in which they love to hangout and talk with different people. Usually it can be seen in corporate culture, and high societies. 
People love to share the information what they gain from other. If somehow one knows about sharing is always starts with caring then "To be With the one" is easy for all people. 
But sometimes it becomes really difficult to survive, especially when you are already engaged with the one who is everything for you. That time you don't know how to react and you try each and everything to make the other one understand yes you are everything for him or her. 
It makes one feel low confident when someone get to know about our past or any connection which you had in future. So at last I will say that it is not so easy to remain at one place and have a mind set of I am yours and remain forever but we have to control our feelings and emotions for other people who sometimes attract us. 
